The ad MAN Kütusepaak 800L 81122015598 fuel tank for MAN TGA truck tractor has been sold and is not included in the search!
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MAN Kütusepaak 800L 81122015598 fuel tank for MAN TGA truck tractor
MAN Kütusepaak 800L 81122015598 fuel tank for MAN TGA truck tractor
MAN Kütusepaak 800L 81122015598 fuel tank for MAN TGA truck tractor image 2
MAN Kütusepaak 800L 81122015598 fuel tank for MAN TGA truck tractor image 3
MAN Kütusepaak 800L 81122015598 fuel tank for MAN TGA truck tractor image 4
MAN Kütusepaak 800L 81122015598 fuel tank for MAN TGA truck tractor image 5
Type:  fuel tank
Part number:  81122015598
Spare part type:  original spare part
Year of manufacture:  2002
Location:  Estonia Kõrveküla7129 km from you
Placed on:  more than 1 month
Seller stock ID:  11332
Condition:  used

More details — MAN Kütusepaak 800L 81122015598 fuel tank for MAN TGA truck tractor


Näeb välja nagu uus, defekte pole.

Mahutavus: 700
Läbisõit: 1250000
Mootor: D2876 LF04
Käigukast: autom
Võimsus: 338
Ülekandearv: 3,7
Reduktor: 81350106133
MAN fuel tanks
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